
Can An Illinois Landlord Require A Note From A Doctor Verifying The Need For A Service Animal

A Doctor's note

Ever since I wrote the article How Exercise I Get a Prescription for a Service Dog, I've had quite a few people enquire about how to go a doctor'due south annotation. They take asked what doctors tin write a note, how to ask their doc virtually a service dog and what a doctor'southward note should say.

Well, allow's get downward to contumely tacks and go specific!

Why Y'all Need a Doctor's Annotation for a Service Dog or ESA

Dr.'s notes are for a few things:

  1. Having an assist dog in a rental.
  2. Help defend yourself in instance y'all take to go to courtroom
  3. If yous press charges or report a business that decides to non follow the ADA
  4. When you take an emotional support domestic dog on an aeroplane. When you demand to support claims that you need a service dog, in case you are challenged at an aerodrome.
  5. Possibly to become a service canis familiaris from a program and sometimes to train with a service dog trainer.

If a business ever asks you to testify a physician's notation for your service dog, you do not have to. You lot don't need to carry your dr.'southward note around with you ever. Or cards. Or fifty-fifty make your dog wear a vest (if you don't want to). The commodity How Practice I Go a Prescription for a Service Canis familiaris covers all of this.

An ESA can't go into businesses unless the business is "pet friendly".

Why Would You Need a Doctor'south Note for Airlines?

It'south because airlines follow the ACAA (air carrier access act) instead of the ADA.

If you similar reading technical stuff, here's the pdf that talks specifically well-nigh service dogs and emotional support animals.

The ACAA says, basically, that an airline tin require documentation for emotional support animals and that it will make things easier to have documentation if y'all have an "invisible disability" and a service dog. They can ask for documentation for service dogs.

For people with service dogs, the airline is also supposed to accept ID cards, "other written documentation", tags and proper answers to questions about what tasks the dog performs – but it'southward still best to bear a doctor'due south note in case they don't believe you lot, because in that case they tin require it.

The ACAA does non require that service dogs in preparation exist allowed on airplanes. Service dogs in training rules are left up to the airlines to decide, so y'all demand to enquiry/phone call the airline if you lot take a dog in training.

doctor's note for a service dog to stay in an apartment
Photo by Tony Fischer Photography

Why Would You Need a Md's Note for Housing?

Landlords to whom the FHAct, Section 504 and the ADA apply must follow the law on the HUD website.

The HUD police force says that reasonable accommodation is required for anyone with an aid animal, trained or untrained, even if the landlord does not permit pets.

An banana animate being, they say:

[…] is not a pet. It is an animal that works, provides assistance, or performs tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability, or provides emotional support that alleviates i or more identified symptoms or effects of a person's disability. Aid animals perform many disability-related functions, including just not limited to, guiding individuals who are blind or have low vision, alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to sounds, providing protection or rescue assistance, pulling a wheelchair, fetching items, alerting persons to impending seizures, or providing emotional support to persons with disabilities who have a disability-related need  for such back up. For purposes of reasonable accommodation requests, neither the FHAct nor Department 504 requires an help fauna to exist individually trained or certified.

And so "qualifying" landlords are told to ask these 2 questions:

(1) Does the person seeking to use and live with the beast accept a disability — i.e., a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more than major life activities?
(2) Does the person making the request have a disability-related need for an aid brute? In other words, does the animal piece of work, provide assistance, perform tasks or services for the do good of a person with a inability, or provide emotional back up that alleviates one or more of the identified symptoms or effects of a person's existing disability?

If the answer to both questions is "yes", so they will need to allow that person to have their aid creature.

This is where the doctor's note comes in—the landlord is allowed to ask for documentation to prove the dog is an assistance animal, which they will likely do unless the inability is very obvious and the canis familiaris is clearly providing for the disability, like a guide dog for someone who is blind.

Who Tin Write a Doctor's Note for a Service Dog or ESA?

If you're e'er planning to take your ESA on an airplane, your note needs to exist written by a health professional to be able to exist used.

The merely quality the health professional has to have is a license.

A health professional tin be your regular medical doc, your psychiatrist, a psychologist, a licensed therapist, vocational example director, licensed clinical social worker, etc. Anyone who is working with you on your mental or concrete disability and has a license.

asking for a doctor's note for a service dog

How To Ask Your Physician for a Prescription for A Service Domestic dog (or Emotional Support Animal)

This tin can exist especially difficult if you lot have feet.

A lot of people have a hard time suggesting things to their dr.. I know I sometimes think that if my doctor thought I needed something, they would have already offered it. However, doctors don't usually call up about service dogs or emotional back up animals, quite honestly.

It'due south not that doctors don't think that an fauna might help. Information technology's unremarkably because they have certain things they offering patients on a regular basis and a service brute isn't at the top of the list.

And so just because your doctor hasn't said to you "Hey, what about a service canis familiaris?" doesn't mean they'd exist opposed to it. A proficient doctor will heed to you lot when y'all inquire nigh something and tell y'all their professional opinion. If yous accept a physician that doesn't, you should switch doctors.

Here are some ways to ask:

"I have been talking to someone who too has [disability] and they say a service dog (or emotional back up creature) helps them a lot. Do you lot call up that a service dog might help me?"

"I read about how service dogs can help people with [disability] recently. Practise y'all think a service canis familiaris would be a good choice to help me?"

"I think a service domestic dog might help me with [disability] considering [why your disability makes life hard and what a service dog can practise to help with that]. I'd similar to go a dr.'south note from yous so that I can get/train i."

If your md says yes, then yous can say:

"Tin y'all write me a note?"

"I will need a note to make sure that I can accept the service dog certain places, could yous write me i?"

If your doctor says no, ask them to explain why. If what they say doesn't make sense, yous may demand to go a second opinion.

What Should My Doctor's Annotation for my Service Dog Say?

Your md's note should be very specific if you want information technology to exist accepted.

It will need to exist on your doctor'southward "letterhead". This means it needs to give your md's information.

A letterhead should have:

  • The doctor'south proper noun with whatever "attachments" (for example, Dr. John Smith, M.D. or Sarah Smith, LCSW)
  • Their address
  • Their phone number

The actual letter should accept:

  • A engagement inside the last yr (Get a new i every year!)
  • A statement that you have a physical or mental disability.
  • That having the dog with y'all is necessary to your mental or physical health, or your treatment, or to help you with your disability.
  • That y'all are under the intendance of the person writing the notation and that the person writing the annotation is a licensed medical professional. (This includes the doctor's licensing data: the appointment it was issued, what country/jurisdiction it was given in and what license it is.)

Run across/download a sample note here!

an aggressive or noisy service dog will not be helped by a doctor's note

When Volition a Dr.'due south Notation Non Assist?

If your dog is acting aggressive, noisy, uses the bath on the floor, or is being disruptive to others, a md's note volition do nothing for you lot.

Your canis familiaris must be extremely well-behaved in all situations if y'all desire your doctor's notation to mean something.

What if an Airline/Landlord Denies Me Despite Having a Doc's Note for My Service Domestic dog?

Earlier someone asks you lot to not get on the plane, they should help try to fix whatsoever is the issue. For example, asking yous to muzzle a barking dog, giving yous a decent amount of fourth dimension to correct the effect, offering a different seat, etc.

If yous disagree with someone's reasons for not letting you on a plane, ask to speak with the airline'due south complaint resolution official (CRO.) The CRO will decide who is correct, and then they accept to write down why you were denied admission (if they make up one's mind you can't get on the airplane) and give a copy of what they wrote to you.

File a complaint with HUD if you are denied housing unfairly.

Good Luck!

Only remember, in the stop you don't accept to have a medico'south note for a service domestic dog in most cases. It's just a good idea to have one lying around to help brand things easier for you.


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